USA / New York / New York / FUNKY RADIO only Classic Funk
FUNKY RADIO only Classic Funk

FUNKY RADIO only Classic Funk

USA USA, New York, New York

FUNKY RADIO #1 Classic Funk Music Station. On FunkyRadio only the real classic funk, rarities and every hour two disco funk 70s-80s. Funky Radio is that bumpy groove sound that hits your belly sends out waves through the whole body making you move your feet, nod your head and feeling allright. Shake Your Groove Thing! FUNKY RADIO USA edition. No commercial

Just played FUNKY RADIO only Classic Funk

Baccara-Yes sir i can boogie (1977)
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Baccara - Yes sir i can boogie (1977)
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Al King - I Can’t Understand (1970)
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Top 5 songs FUNKY RADIO only Classic Funk

Brass Construction-Changin' (1975)
Brass Construction - Changin' (1975)



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