USA USA, Washington, D.C. 88.5 FM

WAMU 88.5 is the leading public radio station for NPR news and information in the greater Washington D.C. area. It is member-supported, professionally-staffed, and licensed to American University.


Guest 30.01.2023 18:30

Ii would like to comment on the current 1128 Am 30 Jan discussion recommending stopping alcohol consumption abruptley. My experience: I stopped drinking alcohol, after many years of several drinks per day, and experienced horrendous nightmares. My solution: limiting alcohol intake to 1 ounce everyday (one shot or one beer). Problem solved. I limit my alcohol intake to ca 1 ounce per day - no problems. I feel great. Joseph Gordon McLean, VA 2210 703=790-9379. Your response appreciated or contact information for further discussion with the guest speaker. Thanks.



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