Canada / Nova Scotia / Halifax / Seaside FM
Seaside FM

Seaside FM

Canada Canada, Nova Scotia, Halifax 105.9 FM
Seaside FM 0:00

105.9 Seaside FM is a Community Based, Easy Listening Radio Station serving the Halifax Region of Nova Scotia.Seaside FM understands the value of a good song. We feature a wonderful selection of easy listening favourites from yesterday and today. We showcase music from Elvis Presley, Barbara Streisand, and many more. Seaside FM also has a wide collection of music from some of Atlantic Canada’s rising and existing musical stars including Evans and Doherty and Anne Murray.


Guest 10.01.2022 15:45

Well today being Monday its the evening for Ray Hill's Musical Treasures . Please keep an open mind that I am not criticizing his program but Ray talks away to much about people and things that mean nothing about the tunes he plays , thus, taking to much time away from playing music. At one time I monitored about six tunes played in one hour. I love Seaside fm and been listening for years faithfully from 4 to 1 every evening. Because the station takes pride in playing the best music which I certainly agree he should be playing more and talking less ? I usually turn to a new station in Cape Breton " CB-FM" from Mabou Monday nights between 8 and 10 then switch back to my favorite Harbour Lights with Paul Marr. Jack , Trenton, NS 902 301 5218


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