Nigéria / Uyo / Planet FM
Planet FM

Planet FM 101.1 FM

Nigéria Nigéria, Uyo 101.1 FM

PLANET RADIO 101.1FM is a private radio owned and operated by TAF & Associates, Ltd. which was incorporated in Nigeria on December 8th, 1995. In 2010 TAF & ASSOCIATES LTD was awarded an FM Radio broadcasting service License by National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) to own and operate a radio station on an assigned frequency channel of 101.1 MHz in Akwa Ibom State. With this Stride and approval from NBC Planet Radio 101.1 FM was born. The Company is led by a strong management team and knowledgeable workers with experience in various areas of radio broadcasting, media entertainment etc.

Acabei de ouvir Planet FM

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N0 2 TAF Plaza close, Off Aka Etinan Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.

  • Email:
  • Telefone: +234(0)701-896-8395

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