KCC Live

KCC Live 99.8 FM

Reino Unido Reino Unido, Inglaterra, Knowsley 99.8 FM
KCC Live 0:00

KCC Live has been a station at Knowsley Community College since December 2003. We were created by Sir George Sweeney, knighted for his work within education and then Principal of Knowsley Community College. The idea was to create an entertaining, work-based-learning environment which prioritised youth-engagement and work-disciplines, an ethos which had gained the college much recognition in the past. The station has always been run by three full-time staff, and although was always classed as a ‘student station’ by groups wishing to correspond with it, it has always had a professional approach to public service and giving young people a realistic and enriching experience of radio, unrivalled by other student or commercial stations. The aim from the beginning was to create a station which excited and informed, in equal measure. We have a clean record of serving our AM (medium wave) audience and have ran many campaigns including anti-bullying and anti-racism campaigns which have earned the support, involvement, and confidence of local community groups and individuals. Events have included many community broadcasts at key times, such as coverage live from John Lennon airport during terrorism restrictions, or comic relief events such as a live sport-relief mile and a 24 hour radio show for comic relief. We have recently been granted a 5 year FM licence to broadcast on 99.8FM. We provide ‘Community Radio with Attitude’. The station mixes the popular ‘wants’ and the social ‘needs’ of its audience with a hard working and creative approach to entertainment and social action. It is a station known for its passion for youth issues, stimulating / engaging community radio. KCC Live reflects the cultural energies and capabilities of young people from communities with large reserves of resilience and personality, despite the levels of economic deprivation.



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