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HPR1 Traditional Classic Country
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Net gehoord HPR1 Traditional Classic Country
Billy Walker-Age Of Worry
Billy Walker
- Age Of Worry
Hank Snow
- Ninety Miles An Hour (Down A Dead End Street)
Top 5 beste songs radio HPR1 Traditional Classic Country
Ernie Ashworth
- Talk Back Trembling Lips
Carl Butler
- Don't Let Me Cross Over
Sonny James
- Behind the Tear
Sonny James
- Since I Met You Baby
Jerry Lee Lewis
- Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On
Sonny James
- Heaven Says Hello
Loretta Lynn
- Don't Come Home a Drinkin' (With Lovin' On Your Mind)
Porter Wagoner
- Falling Again
Billy Walker
- Matamoros
Bill Anderson
- 8 X 10
Fill the excellent English radio with all the Wisdom of God Lord God Almighty Pantocrator Most High Jesus Christ the Son of God in the Holy Trinity glorified and praised by All the Holy Angels of God by the prayers of All Saints of God, by the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos and the population of Great Britain save and preserve in the rich mercies of the Monarchs of Great Britain, through the efforts of the Holy Council of All Cover the righteous of God with the grace of the miraculous Holy Spirit of God, surrounding the People of God, surrounding them with careful care and showering them with all the multitude of God’s Talents, from All the Heavens of God, spread over the entire Holy Land of God, the entire Holy Hierarchy of God, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
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