Australia / New South Wales (NSW) / Sydney / 2RSR Radio Skid Row
2RSR Radio Skid Row

2RSR Radio Skid Row 88.9 FM

Australia Australia, New South Wales (NSW), Sydney 88.9 FM

Radio Skid Row has a radical approach to radio by giving a voice to refugees with new, emerging communities being high on its agenda. It has continued to be a place where young people can be heard. Almost daily, you can tune in to hip hop, with many broadcasters being skilled rappers. There are all kinds of black and world music programs. Radio Skid Row is the only station in Australia to broadcast the award-winning US current affairs show, Democracy Now! It airs daily at 9 am.



Addison Community Centre, Hut 23, 142 Addison Rde, Marrickville NSW 2204 Australia

  • Email:
  • Telefono: 02 9560 4254

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