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Arturo Sandoval-Joy Spring

Arturo Sandoval
- Joy Spring

Coming up next: Arturo Sandoval
- Joy Spring
Top Radio 5 migliori canzoni Jazz Radio
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Dear Music Director, If you want to get into the true Christmas spirit, decorate the Christmas tree and warm yourself with the voice of young crooner Dennis van Aarssen. His 2022-released Christmas album,” Christmas When You’re Here,” warmed many hearts of true Christmas music fans. Furthermore, the singer has expanded his Christmas album with three new tracks. First, there will be two Christmas singles in November. The new Deluxe edition of the Christmas album will be released on November 28, with the first Christmas show in New York; Dennis will perform his specially arranged Christmas show with the DVA Big Band twelve times in Europe. If anyone can evoke the ultimate Christmas feeling, it’s Dennis van Aarssen. “Christmas is just a part of me. I just love Christmas. And I think Christmas is only getting bigger. Besides, it’s a universal celebration”. So, if someone needs to be called in the Netherlands and Belgium for Christmas music, they should just call Dennis van Aarssen. Proudly, I am sending you two original Christmas songs from his upcoming Christmas album. I attached a Dropbox link where you will find the MP-3 file of the song; if you need a higher resolution, please let me know, and I will send you a WAV file. Here you can find all the deliverables: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/z0tgv9g6oayl4pv7wgkjl/h?rlkey=db44hsz35c3khjrtq3jdbxf2p&dl=0 Kind regards,