Stati Uniti d'America / New York / New York / WEPN-FM - ESPN New York

WEPN-FM - ESPN New York 98.7 FM

Stati Uniti d'America Stati Uniti d'America, New York, New York 98.7 FM
WEPN-FM - ESPN New York 0:00

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ospite 27.04.2024 21:49

2008 there was a wedding. What I remembered was a call came father answered I was quarrelling. Then in a wedding place where no family members was there. Was just sitting alone. Later bride and groom was changing. This happened year 2008. Took it out give it back.

ospite 21.02.2024 19:33

Year 1999 a few times when out to buy food and just standing still without moving. In year 2001-2002 in a different place lying down, then sitting and sleeping in there were many ppl eating. That same ppl was around previous work place. Even in a restaurant were I used to visit they were there. What is taken out frm my body give it back.

ospite 11.02.2024 12:49

2008 same school children starting to look like nurd. Looks changing. Many things happened too. At assembly hall writen in chinese on white board. There was one fat Chinese guy standing earlier students teachers were saying his coming to take out memories on what we studied. What he took many took ask him to give it back.

ospite 10.02.2024 09:54

Year 2008 in school taking out some kind of shadow frm human body, looks and etc teachers are also involved school children told this. At that moment many incidents happened. In year 2002 when to my teachers hse for tuition. Suddenly I was talking on the phone and was turning blackout slowly. 2002 again and again suddenly in a hse. Where there's children and a girl and guy. The girl become so fair and everywhere. No one can fly there. What taken or pulled out give it back.

ospite 09.02.2024 14:41

In 2000-2002 they'll be calling her always. At first she won't really go later she was always goin ter. The mother what they said tell me, why are you goin ter always. Usually children will be goin together. This I followed her out and they were out which was my mothers eldest nieces. I knew they were coming and suddenly I was blackout. What I recall they were saying sth, her look was fierce and I was blackout. What they took out ask them to return it.



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