Stati Uniti d'America / Idaho / Boise / KBSU-FM - Boise State Public Radio Classical
KBSU-FM - Boise State Public Radio Classical

KBSU-FM - Boise State Public Radio Classical 90.3 FM

Stati Uniti d'America Stati Uniti d'America, Idaho, Boise 90.3 FM
KBSU-FM - Boise State Public Radio Classical 0:00


ospite 09.09.2021 03:47

To whom it may concern... I am very disappointed and saddened to hear the change in your playlist from the previously classical music once a mainstay of 90.3 in my household. In fact, I am disappointed to the degree that I am not only changing to another radio station to listen to during the day and evening, but I am cancelling my monetary support for your station. I will no longer be making my monthly contributions. I am sorry to do this, but I feel that a message is necessary that your changes aren't welcome and that although I represent a single voice, I have no doubts that I represent many others that feel similarly. My sincere hope is that your staff will consider the choices you've made and return to the playlist that has pleased so many listeners for so very long.


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