United States / Floride / Orlando / WPCV Country
WPCV Country

WPCV Country 97.5 FM

United States United States, Floride, Orlando 97.5 FM
WPCV Country 0:00

97 Country, WPCV has been Central Florida’s country music leader since 1973! In a world of ever-changing radio station names, call letters and music formats, country fans always know where to find their favorite music station. 97 Country plays a perfectly balanced mix of continuous country favorites, with today’s hottest country hits and the greatest country hits from the past. 97 Country is committed to live, local radio — 24 hours a day. Central Floridians can depend on WPCV for live coverage during severe weather conditions, and for breaking news as it happens. Plus, 97 Country is the only radio station in Central Florida with regional traffic reports covering the I-4 Corridor, from the east coast of Florida to the west, and is part of the official Emergency Alert System, staying on the air with auxiliary generators through any power outages.



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