Helen FM

Helen FM 100.1 FM

Sainte-Lucie Sainte-Lucie, Castries 100.1 FM
  • 83095


invité 27.02.2024 18:36

Good afternoon Dj slimm

invité 27.07.2023 17:34

I'm a first time caller. I am 61yrs old. I live right next to the old daher building now orange Grove plaza. In the last twenty years i have compaint I have suffer so much dust, dirt, bee bites, fibre glass, bat feasts, noise, lack of air circulation and light because of a wall built against my propery over 20 ft high, foul smells, extra maintainance for a drain built way too close to my property, no space between us, and doorway with access into my garden but no secure access for me. I was always told that they have no idea who owns the building. Apparently it was under the goverment all the time. I have been in contact with ministry of planning and infustrature and ,DCA, minister,'s Stevenson King, Richard Frederick, Kenson Cashimir, environmental health compliance depart in Bois dorange, even the Prime ministers office i have tried all to no avail. My last option is the media beause my finances is low at present my small local business has been badly affected. Even a lawyer I have been working with for a year has not presented a nuisance letter finally constructed 3 months ago. I withdraw from that lawyer because it seems he was either afraid of the government and the owner of the building (bluewaters) Mr. GEORGE or worki g with them.The lawyer procrastinated for months. As a diaspora who has come hear to live and share my skills, and work here in St.lucia, i find it very disheartening as a resident of bois d orage for years. Paying my land tax and all. My question is how was it possible for them to be given permission to build a wall way over the legal standards with a doorway allow anyone access to my property. How was that approved? It seems all goverments are involved in the miss management of this building.. Also the project manager of the construction team was so uncaring and provided an inferior service. Not once did ever come to talk to neighbours or bois dorange community. The only thing is I have documented everything from 2019 and have making reports and compliance since 2011 when they started up work again and then stop 8months later. ( change of government.) I'm reaching out to you because it seems I will never be taken seriously about how much it has affected my emotional, mental state of mind and my health. I am an asmatic and suffer from anxiety. These people has not offered any solutions and have not offered me no support or compensation for my suffering.

KOWKA ZEBRA UWU 13.07.2023 10:48

بہت شکریہ

invité 05.07.2023 16:35

Even without any radiation there are already giant sea monsters

invité 21.11.2022 00:35

listening to your tracks cuz

invité 04.06.2022 19:07

Blessed Love

invité 04.06.2022 18:48

Four Twenty Time STONE


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