

Italia Italia, Campania, Capri
Yacht 0:00


invitado 19.12.2022 15:31

Hallo Ihr seit einfach Welt Klasse gruss aus München Freddy

invitado 13.04.2022 22:28

35 Ekins Close, Northampton NN3 3EG, England, 13th April 2022, Dear Sir/Madam, Tonight Wednesday 13th April 2022 I tuned into your radio station via the internet from 1855 GMT/UTC. Where I am using a Samsung Galaxy Tab a 6 10.1inch tablet and I heard you with excellent reception SINPO 55555. What I heard was various Soul/ Jazzy music with announcements in English and Italian. I don't know if you verify reception reports via the internet but if you do then a QSL card along with anything else you care to send me will be very much appreciated sent to the address above thank you. I signed off at 1930 GMT/UTC. By the way I enjoyed the music that you featured on the show. Yours Sincerely, Howard Barnett,


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