США / Колорадо / Боулдер / KGNU Community Radio
KGNU Community Radio

KGNU Community Radio

США США, Колорадо, Боулдер 88.5 FM
KGNU Community Radio 0:00

KGNU is the independent, noncommercial, community radio station for Boulder, Denver and beyond. We are a mission-driven, nonprofit media outlet. We are not beholden to corporations or the government. We do not broadcast advertisements, and we do not accept underwriting from major corporations. Our bottom line is to provide real journalism and diverse music, not to maximize profits. The majority of our operating budget comes from you, the listener. We are community-powered. Volunteers produce, host, report, DJ, administer and govern the station. We broadcast 18-20 hours of locally produced programming per day. We provide hands-on training for volunteers.



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