Yakhal English

Yakhal English

США США, Огайо, Коламбус

Yakhal is the Hebrew word for Hope. Hope is just a feeling, or a wish, or a nice idea that optimists talk about? No, hope is so much more. Hope is a Biblical principle and a strong spiritual force. Be encouraged and Enlighted with these quotes and verses about the power of hope!

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Pastor Marvin winans-I Need Thee (1)
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Pastor Marvin winans - I Need Thee (1)
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When I call on Jesus - Nicole Mullen (When I call on Jesus ALL things are posible)
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Топ Треков Yakhal English

Chris Tomlin-I Lift My Hands
Chris Tomlin - I Lift My Hands
William McDowell-You Are God Alone
William McDowell - You Are God Alone



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