Zoomer Radio

Zoomer Radio

Канада Канада, Онтарио, Торонто 740 AM
Zoomer Radio 0:00

Enjoy sentimental favourites and ever more vintage pop classics from the 30s/40s/50s and 60s, plus Big Band, and the greatest dramas and comedies from The Golden Age of Radio. With 50,000 watts of clear-channel broadcasting power, AM740 has a huge coverage area, extending throughout southern Ontario, from Windsor to Kingston, north to Parry Sound, and south deep into the United States.


Гость 24.11.2023 22:56

I used to be a listener then you turned to a more rock station - Iam back and love your playlist of the oldies from especially 70-80.s - keep up the great work. By the way I used to listen to 88.5 and low & behold they went country. Good for you as Iam a faithful listner again Sueg1743@gmail.com


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