5MBS Fine Music

5MBS Fine Music

Австралия Австралия, Южная Австралия, Аделаида 99.9 FM
5MBS Fine Music 0:00

What is 5MBS? The Music Broadcasting Society of SA (MBS) was incorporated in March 1995, and has many hundreds of Members, and more than 100 volunteers dedicated to bringing you Fine Music on radio.

Сейчас играет на 5MBS Fine Music

Cantabile with David Matison.BEETHOVEN L., Rondo In C, Op. 51 No. 1, Ronald Farren-Price, Piano.
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Cantabile with David Matison.BEETHOVEN L., Rondo In C, Op. 51 No. 1, Ronald Farren - Price, Piano.
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Prelude with Gabrielle Scherrer.RESPIGHI O., Autumn Poem, Julia Fischer, Violin; Orchestre Philharmonique De Monte - Carl...
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4A River Street, Hindmarsh SA 5007 PO Box 57, Hindmarsh SA 5007 Australia

  • Email: mbs@5mbs.com
  • Телефон: (08) 8346-2324

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