Haiti / Miragoane / NIPPES FM


Haiti Haiti, Miragoane 100.5 FM

Nip radio launched on October 19, 1996 is an act of faith, witnessing an attachment to the Nippes, both traditional and revolutionary; expression of a belief that the nippes and the region can regain its lost days. vagadou noel is CEO of the radio nippes. At some point, around the country appeared some good-caliber radio stations, the Nippes gave the answer and rein in. The bridge between the Nippes d’Hiti and the rest of the World is the slogan Radio nippes FM nippes miragoane. From the beginning, Nippes Radio is positioned as a national channel. The technological design is among the strongest and best performing in the radio market. Nippes FM Miragoane brings to the population of the peninsula of Nippes pieces, news, information, entertainment, and recreation it needs to thrive. Culture, Sports and Music, French speaking are the core elements of the Radio Nippes content since miragoane haiti.


Slavik Dyakov
Slavik Dyakov 22.04.2020 08:59

Respuesta para Radio tele rehoboth...¡ palabras " país pobre " signífica por la nivel de economía en esto momento , pero por su pueblo y de onda de corazón--Haití esto es un país muy rico y abierto para desarrollo en perspectiva !

Slavik Dyakov
Slavik Dyakov 21.11.2019 20:20

Гаити -- беднейшая страна Карибского моря , но музыка в этой стране очень экзотическая -- смешение "латинос" и "негрос" и плюс креольский французский -- такого не услышишь нигде, есть ,что потом прокрутить на дискотеках , рекомендую.... вуду , одним словом !

radio tele rehoboth
radio tele rehoboth 21.11.2019 20:20

para ti si haiti es un pais pobre


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