Quênia / Nairobi / Hope FM
Hope FM

Hope FM 93.3 FM

Quênia Quênia, Nairobi 93.3 FM

HOPE FM is a radio ministry established by Christ Is The Answer Ministries (CITAM) in the year 2003 as a department of Hope Media. It is based on a firm Christian foundation and is trusted as an authentic source of Biblical doctrine and the application of the same in life issues. It is also considered as a platform of ministry in reaching and nourishing its audience with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ through well-balanced wholesome content in form of up-to-date information, inspiration, influence and education around the clock in our selected target markets. We broadcast 24 hours a day with an extensive urban, peri-urban and rural coverage



Valley Road Nairobi P.O BOX 42254 Nairobi, Kenya

  • Email: info@hopefm.org
  • Telefone: +254-20-2730986/7/9

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