3CR Community Radio

3CR Community Radio

Австралия Австралия, Виктория, Мельбурн 855 AM

"3CR community radio provides a media space enabling progressive communities to voice ideas and build their power to create social change" (statement of purpose, 2016) 3CR broadcasters present over 120 radio programs every week and listeners can tune in on 855AM, stream live through the web or download podcasts of our shows. The radio station was established in 1976 to provide a voice for those denied access to the mass media, particularly the working class, women, Indigenous people and the many community groups andcommunity issues discriminated against in and by the mass media. 3CR is run by a combination of paid staff, a committee of management and over 600 volunteers.



21 Smith Street Fitzroy3065 Melbourne Australia

  • Email: stationmanager@3cr.org.au
  • Телефон: + 61 3 9419 8377

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